
Monday, November 07, 2005

Good Stuff

Derek, those are some great points. While down in Hilton Head last week we went to a fall festival at a church on Saturday. They had music, food, games and a rummage sale with lots of books and music.

I found a copy of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" for $1. I saw it on the NY Times Bestseller list a while back and decided to buy it. I ended up reading it in a couple of sittings. It had some great advice that tied in a lot of what we've been talking about lately - the gold standard, today's culture of training up employees rather than independent business owners, the rat race, leaving an inheritance, etc.

I highly recommend it to all of you. It is very challenging in addressing the fear most have in not having enough money and the consumer society we live in and provides some very useful suggestions on how to make real changes.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Wilber Blog

Sir Charles, this is the blog of Greg Wilbur. I believe Derek told you a bit about him. We heard him speak and met him at the ACCS annual conference. I thought you'd find his site interesting.
Blog On

Well, we haven't exactly been burning up the blogwaves lately. This site helps you keep up with blogs you are interested in by "subscribing" to them. It's pretty simple and easier than keeping favorite links for a bunch of blogs. You can check them all out at one site - bloglines.com

You can do some neat stuff, like see how many folks have subscribed to a blog that you subscribe to (none yet for the cigar room).

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Derek recently passed on an article that included this quote from Martin Luther that I found worth meditating on:

Mammon has two properties; it makes us secure, first, when it goes well with us, and then we live without fear of God at all; secondly, when it goes ill with us, then we tempt God, fly from him, and seek after another God.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Sir Charles - check out Blue Merle if you have not heard them already. "Burning in the Sun" sounds like Coldplay if they were forced to only use instruments found at the Georgia Mountain Center.

Friday, November 26, 2004

This is the place in Suwanee that we talked about some time ago. They have Bluegrass every Saturday night. It's usually free unless some big names come to town. We should make it a guys night.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

TV Games

Have you guys seen these? You just plug the controller into your TV and you get classic Atari, Namco, etc. video games. Pretty cool. Charlie used to be the bomb on missile command...

34 days later...JB, I don't know why it didn't work for you. I just tried it and I got it.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Cell Phones and the Incarnation
It seems like we discussed this article by Ken Myers before, but it's one of those quick reads that is helpful in keeping your mind straight by reading it every so often.

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